Getting a job even after getting specialized by post-graduation is a difficult task today. If you land a job, it happens that you will not like it. The reasons may be many like your boss may not be good, long working hours, bad office politics, toxic work environment, or any other reason.
A recently done study on employees working in India shows that nearly 90% of the workforce is planning to quit their jobs or change their career field.
A deep sense of disappointment gripples us when we after doing years of hard work don't get what we deserve. The expectations may be in terms of salary, promotion, work-life balance, or even recognition.
But what if I say: there's a way you could be your own boss, work on your own terms.
Wouldn't it be great?
Indeed it is...
The answer to this is something called "Freelancing".
A lot of people freelance because it's a great way to get work without having to commit to a full-time job. You can set your own hours, work from home, and control your income. You can also find freelance work that's perfect for your skills and interests.
If you're looking for a freelance project, here are some tips to get started:
1. Check out job boards and job search engines. There are a lot of freelance opportunities available on job boards and search engines.
2. Join professional organizations. Professional organizations can help connect you with potential clients and collaborators.
3. Ask your friends and family. They might know of any freelance opportunities that are available.
4. Try freelancing platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, People per Hour, etc. There are a lot of freelance services available that can help you find freelance projects.
5. Be creative. Try approaching your potential clients through cold emails, and cold DMs on LinkedIn. Don't forget to market your work on professional and social networking platforms.
What to do before you get started:
1. Research the market. Before you start freelancing, it’s important to learn about the market you’re interested in. This means doing your research and looking at job postings. You can also ask friends, family, and other professionals for advice.
2. Do your research. Once you have a good understanding of the market, it’s important to do your research. This means looking at blogs, reading articles, and studying industry trends.
3. Start small. Don’t be afraid to start small when starting out as a freelancer. This means taking on smaller projects that you can complete quickly. This will give you confidence and some experience making you ready for large-scale projects.
I will be coming up with a detailed blog post on the most effective freelancing platforms.
If you are already doing a job DON'T QUIT it to start freelancing just because someone has become a millionaire doing this.
Remember, freelancing is like running a small business. It won't be easy!!
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